As renewable energy finance attorneys, we are extremely excited about the recent developments in storage technology and implementation. Exploring the different ways we can help our clients and friends develop, finance and invest in energy storage led to a lot of full notepads and an incredible appreciation for the modern miracle that is our electric grid.

This website is a collection of our notes and thoughts on electric storage, batteries and the grid, as well as information on renewables, finance and other great information we've found along the way. We have a few primers linked above on the Grid, Storage, Tax and a Glossary of terms we've found helpful. We will also be posting more in-depth articles about how storage can be financed.

If nothing else, we hope this serves as a starting point and a resource for your own path to learning about the role of storage in our grid. Be sure to share your thoughts and comments or reach out if you need assistance guiding your project to a successful financing.

“If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.”

Elon Musk